Number of Volumes 16
Number of Issues 37
Number of Articles 407
Number of Contributors 715
Article View 331,355
PDF Download 328,699
View Per Article 814.14
PDF Download Per Article 807.61
Number of Submissions 1,932
Rejected Submissions 1,252
Reject Rate 65
Accepted Submissions 437
Acceptance Rate 23
Time to Accept (Days) 148
Number of Indexing Databases 8
Number of Reviewers 212

Journal of Linguistic and Rhetorical Studies is an open access quarterly journal founded by Semnan University Press in 2010. This journal is a peer-reviewed scientific quarterly journal which is continuously published by the Semnan University Press. As the name suggests, the journal basically focuses on linguistic and rhetorical studies and accepts original articles, short communications, and letters to the editor. In 2017, this journal was awarded scientific-research accreditation by the Scientific Publications Commission of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (Iran). In 2021, the publishing frequency of the journal was rescheduled to quarterly.


Journal Language:  Persian (Abstract: English & Persian)

Journal Frequency: Quarterly (since 2021)

Publication type:     Electronic – printed


The last quartile and impact factor in the Islamic world science citation database (ISC), respectively: Q1 and 0.490

Evaluation rank in the system of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (Iran): A


Aims and ScopeThe main goal of the journal is to provide a scientific resource by supporting and publishing new and ground-breaking research in the areas of linguistic and rhetorical studies, which mainly rely on analytical and/or comparative approaches. Articles are given priority for publication, once they are not merely descriptive and offer insight into contemporary or classical texts from novel rhetorical and linguistic perspectives. Studies focusing on "Language" may include topics such as grammar, vocabulary, phonetics, phonology, and language history, which includes various types of Persian texts including ancient, contemporary, formal, literary, colloquial as well as Iranian and local dialects. Studies focusing on "Rhetoric" may explore both old and new topics and theories in classical and contemporary Persian poetry and prose texts. The journal also publishes articles that compare Persian texts with texts from other languages and literary tradition in the field of "language" or "rhetoric."


Access type: Open Access; Free of charge (full text)


Type of peer review: Double-blind peer-review: Authors and the reviewers remain

                                         anonymous throughout the process.

Time of initial review: Less than 10 days

Average review time: 2–5 months by at least two anonymous referees

Article Acceptance Rate: 22 Percent



Journal of Linguistic and Rhetorical Studies utilizes "Samim Noor

Detection Software" for checking the originality and similarity rate

of submitted



Journal of Linguistics and Rhetoric Studies utilizes "plagiarism

detection software (iThenticate)" to check the authenticity of

manuscripts (English and abstracts) submitted for review.

  This journal respect for the codes of ethics in publications, is subject to the codes of the Committee on Ethics in Publishing (COPE) and follows the executive regulations of the law on preventing and dealing with fraud in scientific works.


Current Issue: Volume 16, Issue 39, March 2025 

A Critical View on Brevity

Pages 247-270


Mostafa Sharifi Abnavi; Zahra Rahimi

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