Aims and Scope

Aims and Scope

The main goal of the journal is to provide a scientific resource by supporting and publishing new and ground-breaking research in the areas of linguistic and rhetorical studies, which mainly rely on analytical and/or comparative approaches. 

Articles are given priority for publication, once they are not merely descriptive and offer insight into contemporary or classical texts from novel rhetorical and linguistic perspectives.

Studies focusing on "Language" may include topics such as grammar, vocabulary, phonetics, phonology, and language history, which includes various types of Persian texts including ancient, contemporary, formal, literary, colloquial as well as Iranian and local dialects.

Studies focusing on "Rhetoric" may explore both old and new topics and theories in classical and contemporary Persian poetry and prose texts.

The journal also publishes articles that compare Persian texts with texts from other languages and literary tradition in the field of "language" or "rhetoric."


 Providing a scientific resource to Publishing original Ideas and  Studies in linguistic and Rhetorical Studies is the main object of Journal of linguistic and Rhetorical Studies . Major keywords includes: