Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process

Peer review process in Journal of Linguistic and Rhetorical Studies is based upon a Double-blind peer-reviewing system. This means that authors and reviewers remain anonymous throughout the process.

Peer review process includes the following steps:

1- Initial registration and membership in the journal system by the author

2- Submission of the manuscript modelled on the authors' guide instructions

3- Announcing the receipt and initial decision by the editor-in-chief and the editorial board

4- Sending the manuscript to the specialized editor in case of initial approval of the editorial board 

5- Sending the manuscript to two expert reviewers  as well as the editor-in-chief and, in case of conflicting results, consulting a third reviewer

6- Evaluating and finalizing the reviewed manuscript in the editorial board meeting

7- Inclusion of the manuscript in the current issue by the editor

8- Scientific and technical editing by the journal editor

9- Author confirming the final version prior to publication

10- Publishing the electronic version, followed by the print version