The study of the stylistic components of the \"Hajme Sabz\" of Sohrab Sepehri


“Sohrab Sepehri“ is a researcher, pensive and stylist artist .and The “Eight Book’ is the product of his thoughts, reflection and his interior and exterior movement.

    The stylistic approach of any work is the way by which one finds the inner layers and thoughts of the author’s work. In this regard, this essay, with an emphasis on the library studies and with reference to the inductive manner, based on the definition and the analysis, tries to clarify the stylistics’ components of the “Hajme Sabz” the work of Sepehri within the different phonetic, lexical, syntactic and the eloquent and mental layers, so as to find the state of the poet’s thoughts and his special style, by using the study’s achievements.  To achieve this important target, it tried to emphasize the evidences of the remarkable poems of Sohrab. In the phonetic layers, evidence of the alliteration and repetition could be seen however rare cases of pun is used.

At the lexical level, the majority of the words are sensual and accompanied by the natural elements’ impressions and the nature, while the vulgar terms have been used in the poet’s discourse.

At  the syntactic level, Appling verbs in the form of the present and the  past time, has the highest frequency than the future time . At the eloquent level, he could be called the poet of the personifications, that  for the creation of  his poetic images, he has aided the metaphor more than others  did. At the mental level, Sohrab, complains solitude more than anything else. God in his view is very close, and with the high frequency of mentioning the nature, he researches God, within its context. It’s also seen the favor of the type of a special theosophy in his poem.

Finally, Sohrab is a poet, with a simple and nice and sometimes ambiguous language, who could attract a group of readers that have different preferences.
