Analysis of the Equation Style in Salek Qazvini's Sonnets

Document Type : Original Article


1 PHD Student, Persian Language and Literature, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran.

2 Professor, Persian Language and Literature, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran: Correspondence author

3 Associate Professor, Persian Language and Literature, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran.



One of the unrecognized poets of the Indian style is Salek Qazvini, a poet of innovative themes and solid meaning, with an emphasis on subtlety and anti-vulgarity. He has created new themes concerning human relationships and characteristics of his time with precision and subtlety. A major part of his creative themes is related to and depicted in his use of the equation style. By innovative ideation to connect the reasonable to the tangible, Salek has been able to convey his thoughts to the audience as best as possible through the use of the equation style and highlight the literary and artistic significance of his verse. The purpose of this research is to investigate thematic and conceptual diversity of the use of equation style in Salek Qazvini's sonnets. Accordingly, the study focuses on extracting and explaining conceptual diversity within the equation style. The findings indicates that the most frequent meanings within the equation style in Salek Qazvini's sonnets are mystical, moral-pedagogical romantic and social themes as well as poet's complaints and literary sublimity. Inspired by nature and romantic and mystical bonds as well as human and social relationships, the poet aimed to express his complaints and dissatisfaction with the misfortunes of his time, while highlighting the sublimity of his own poetry and making use of equation style in this manner, he has both engaged the audience with his verse and distinguished among his contemporaries.


Main Subjects

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