Aesthetics of Reading Paradigms in the Poetry of Hafiz Based on Reception Theory (in the 19th & 20th-century England)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Persian Literature of Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University

2 Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University


In this article, the causes of 19th & 20th-century English audience's considerable attention to Hafiz’s poems are studied based on the reader-oriented Reception Theory. This attitude of growing attention had special social, cultural, and literary causes, which are defined in Reception Theory as paradigms. By identifying the literary paradigms of the English society and the literary horizons of expectation in this period, the reasons for the English interest in Hafiz’s poetry are explained. The Horizon of Expectation is the most important discussion in Reception Theory, introduced by Hans Robert Jauss, which includes all literary and social factors stimulating readers to refer to a literary work. The readers identify their expectations according to these horizons. If their expectations from the text are satisfied, they continue reading; otherwise, the text is considered as "dead". In the case of Hafiz’s poems in 19th & 20th century, we consider the combinations of horizons and readings. The results show that in these two centuries, the literary paradigms in the English society were so developed that Hafiz’s poems could satisfy the literal expectations of England and even go beyond them so as to influence their own writings.


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