Linguistic critique of civil code with emphasis on Persian writing

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Mohaghegh Ardabili University

2 Phd Student of Mohaghegh Ardabili University


Due to the fact that our books of law are taken from and influenced by Arabic jurisprudence and language, Arabic jurisprudential terms have become common in the law. This influence is of such a nature that it affected Persian words to the extent that Arabic rules have been applied to Persian words as well. The importance of civil code in ensuring the safety and health of society necessitates paying attention to the text and principles of Persian writing and the use of Persian words because what gives a text credibility and coherence is the way it is written and the maturity of its prose. Therefore, via a library-based descriptive and qualitative as well as the opinions of students, graduates, professors of law, Persian language and literature, this study has reviewed and evaluated civil code. The purpose of this research is to draw attention to the need for linguistic correction of legal sources and trimming the Arabic words by those involved in this field with the help of the experts in Persian language and literature. As such, in some articles, the juxtaposition of Arabic words has complicated the text of the law, and it is therefore suggested to use common Persian words and expressions as much as possible in writing legal texts, especially laws. 


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