The Explanation of the Dominance of Figurative Language and Oratory over the Rhetoric of Syntactic in Forming the Rhetoric in Akhlagh _al_saltaneh by Vassaf Shirazi

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Persian Language and Literature,Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran, Iran


The rhetorical system of prose texts written after the Mongol invasion often differs completely from the texts written before that; the rhetoric of syntactic often makes the rhetorical frame of the pre-Mongolian texts and, in contrast, figurative language and oratory make the rhetorical structure of post-Mongolian texts. This difference is most of all related to the purpose of the text according to the author’s view and the choice of an appropriate aesthetic system. Unlike the artistic structures of rhetoric of syntactic, the techniques of figurative language and oratory are not compatible with the main purpose of prose texts which is to convey meaning to the reader. Choosing such a rhetorical approach by the author shows that post-Mongolian Persian prose texts have faced a serious crisis in making sense to the extent that verbiage has dominated the texts. This research aims to investigate the rhetorical shift in prose texts from the rhetoric of syntactic towards figurative language and oratory based on the analysis of specific examples.


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