The implied expression of "hafez" (an investigation about rethorical methods of implied expression of "hafez")

Document Type : Original Article


1 University of Tehran

2 Fahangian University


Considering the social conditions of Hafiz’s time, this mighty Iranian poet got benefited from artistic tactics to convey his critical views implicitly to avoid negative consequences of his disagreeable viewpoints.  One of his personal ways in the field of rhetoric was using eloquence arts. In this domain, he derived the benefit from covert simile, metaphor, irony of widening type, irony of description, symbolism and an unknown kind of artistic innovation. And in two aspects of rhetoric, i.e., semantics and innovation, he applied more skillful ways. This article, through focusing on his sonnets (particularly his critical ones), is aiming at analyzing his creative techniques barely in rhetoric. To do this, we analyzed his implicit rhetoric within primary display of covert prospect of Hafiz in rhetoric field through exemplification and in every aspect, we concluded that Hafiz benefited from eloquence best.


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