Stylistics of the lexical level of Kamal al-Din Ismail's Gasidas

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Persian Language and Literature of Imam Khomeini International University of Qazvin

2 Professor of persian Language and Literature Department of Imam Khomeini International University of Qazvin


Layer stylistics which is one of the linguistic approaches of stylistics analyzes the different linguistic levels of artistic work from phoneme to meaning. One of these levels is the lexical level. The lexical level is one of the most significant levels of language and is of great importance in stylistics. Considering that the choice of vocabulary has a direct relation to the style of each writer or poet, the stylistic examination of this level helps to identify the style of the works of each artist, and shows the relation of this choice to the meaning and texture in which it is related. Kamal al-Din Ismail is one of the famous poets of the sixth and seventh century AH who because of his creativity, is renowned for the creation of meanings (Khallagh al-ma'ani). In this research, we study the stylistic of the lexical level of his poems in order to show the relationship between the selection of his vocabulary and his semantic and poetical atmosphere. These words have been used to praise bravery, wariness, generosity of the praised and describe nature. The study of this layer also reveals the domination of sensual atmosphere on abstract meanings in his poems.


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