Analysis of imaginary schemas in Moulanaʼs poetries based on ‘cultural linguistics perspective. (Case study: Water&Fire)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Islamic Azad University- Shahrood

2 Islamic Azad university- shahrood

3 Assistant Professor of Educational Research and Planning Organization


Cognitive linguistics as a semantic approach included a set of theories, which conceptual metaphor and imaginary schema are the most important. Imaginary schemas are fundamental and abstract conceptual structures in the mind that are based on physical experiences and activities during the interaction or observation of the surrounding world. The present study intends to conduct a descriptive, analytical and comparative method and in order to get acquainted with the metaphorical and cultural system of "water and fire", to conduct a cognitive analysis of imaginary schemas taken from these two opposing elements in six books of MasnaviManavi and Shams Moulana’s general poetical works. The aim of this study was to achieve cognition through the use of volumetric, motion and power schemas in Moulana’s poems, so that by examining the function of these schemas, a more accurate knowledge of the individual and social personality of this poet can be obtained. One of the most important achievements of this research that can be mentioned:
These two elements find supernatural properties in literary concepts and metaphorical functions, especially mystical themes, when placed along a verse, and depict a kind of long-standing contradiction between reason and love.
Cognitive analysis of schemas expresses the introverted, intuitive, emotional, and receptive personality of Moulana.


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