Aristotle, Rhetoric and Poetry based on the Pseudology

Document Type : Original Article


Kashan University


The relationship between rhetoric and poetry has been the subject of experts’ controversy since the beginning of the controversy, and this controversy has continued to this day without reaching a definite conclusion. The root of such controversy lies in Aristotle's two treatises on rhetoric and poetry. In these two treatises, the general boundaries between these two techniques are drawn and their minor boundaries remain invisible.
In this descriptive-analytical method, while examining the commonalities and differences between the two rhetoric and poetry techniques, the present article tries to study the separation of their specific rhetorical techniques based on the two treatises of rhetoric and Aristotle's poetry. This article concludes that the art of rhetoric and the art of poetry, in addition to the commonalities and differences in generalities, components, materials, types, theologians, audiences, and styles, have more to do with the use of rhetorical techniques than the sharing of materials and differences; That is, the working materials of these two techniques
Are generally common, and the purpose of using these materials in them is different.


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