Application of the Theory of Cohesion in Analyzing Coherence among Different Texts

Document Type : Original Article


Ferdowsi University


Coherence theory of Holiday is used for determining cohesive clause and the degree of coherence of a text by semantic relationships among sentences and different parts of that text. But one of the functions of the theory is determining intertextual relationships among different texts. Indeed, the main issue is determining cohesive clause among sentences in different texts such as sentences of a text for achieving results and valuable information about the relationship among texts by analyzing the percentages of cohesion factors. Halliday hasn't pointed to this function of the theory and also there is not any research about that, too. In this article after insetting the theory of cohesion, four versions of dropping Abuhamze in well in four works: Tabaqat e sufi, translated treatise of Qshyryh, kashf al mahjub, Tazkara tul aulia analyzed and the degree of cohesive relation of these works determinated by determining cohesive clause among works. In end, degree of narrator withdrawal and using of previous works and how to use and apply works, are determinated to achieve the rate of using and withdrawing a narrator from the narratives preceding him and the manner in which these narratives are used by him, and another valuable information about the relation among these texts.
The results of determining the percentage of total cohesion factors among these four narrations show that the translated treatise of Qshyryh with Tabaqat e sufi has the highest percentage of coherence; kashf al mahjub is more coherent with the translated treatise of Qshyryh rather than with Tabaqat e sufi and Tazkara tul aulia is the most coherent with the translated treatise of Qshyryh and it has the same coincidence with Tabaqat e sufi and kashf al mahjub. By comparing these results as well as determining the percentage of coherence factors among these narratives, according to the type of cohesion, gives us other valuable results that are referred to in this research.


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