The Rhetoric of the Marked Syntactical Structures in Akhavan-Sales’s Poetry

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professorof Kharazmi University

2 Associate Professor of Kharazmi University

3 Phd Student of Kharazmi University


The relation between the grammatical structures and the rhetoric of speech has not been sufficiently studied and analyzed in Persian language in general and specially in poetical language. Although the relation between the syntactical structures and the rhetoric in the language of poetry usually follows the rules of the ordinary language, the consciousness and the significance in the usage of some syntactical structures in poetry cannot be ignored.  The poetical craftsmanship in producing diverse syntactical structures so that these structures could be suitable with the context is sometimes so apparent and obvious that calls the literary critics and the grammarian’s attention but a comprehensive method and framework for formulating and analyzing such a craftsmanship is yet to come.
This article aims to demonstrate that Akhavan-Sales, considering the co-text and the context, how uses a diverse range of grammatical and syntactical structures to deliver his intended meanings and messages. Hence, some marked syntactical structures in his poems are analyzed so that this article can participate in finding the above-mentioned method and theoretical framework, explaining some details of his craftsmanship in syntax and poetry. The article focuses on changing the word order and uses some theoretical concept such as marked/ unmarked (syntax), new/ given information (Halliday), topicalization (syntax and functional linguistics) and the analytical method of Al-Jurjani in comparison of different syntactical structures. Adopting a qualitative research method and after analyzing of the poetical and syntactical instances, we have demonstrated that Akahavan-Sales how employs a diverse range of marked syntactical structures to deliver his intended messages and meanings, and what a great potentials Persian language bestows to its users in this regard.


Main Subjects

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