Conceptual Metaphor of “Happiness” in Divan Shams

Document Type : Original Article


hakim sabzevari of University


This research deals with the metaphors that are used in Divan Shams based on happiness feeling. The theoretical basis of research is the conceptual metaphors theory that has expanded metaphor from a purely aesthetic instrumental to a worthy approach for understanding and thinking. Molana has gotten help from the "object", "animal", "food", "plant", "market", and "place" to explain many of happiness features in Divan Shams and he could make this concept concrete and objective. The present research which has been conducted through a descriptive-analytical method, attempts to discover and explain the relationship between metaphor with thought foundation and Molana's thinking world. By cognitive analysis of happiness metaphors in Divan Shams, we can find that this feeling in Molana's intellectual system is something spectacular, tangible, gustable, and audible and somewhat smoothie. Also, the statistical results used in this study indicate that the human being area and the function of sight sense with the highest frequency have the most role in the cognitive process of the happiness metaphors in the mentioned work.         


Main Subjects

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