Cohesive factors in Chubak's Short Story: Adl

Document Type : Original Article


Semnan University


Cohesion is one of the interesting topics for linguists, including functional linguists to analyze the text. In their view text analysis is the study of communication, correlation and links, between the sentences in written and verbal texts. In other word, the important thing in this analysis is the concept of cohesion and how the meanings of sentences or propositions in a text are connected together. This paper, discussed and analyzed the cohesion of “Adl" a short story from the book “Short Stories” by Sadegh Chubak by using the Theory of Halliday and Hasan (1985) in the functional linguistics. According to this theory, having cohesion is a feature of a text. Thus, the poetry and prose texts according to their own content and how to use cohesion elements are distinct, and distinguished in terms of grading of cohesion .In the present study ,it is examined how to use elements of cohesion in the text, and the application of each elements of cohesion were compared. After analyzing the data, it was concluded that the grammatical cohesion used much more than lexical cohesion in "Adl" short story, and the most of the examples of grammatical cohesion are related to personal references. This conclusion is entirely consistent with Chubak's salient stylistic features, such as; Characterization, folk writing, swiftness and describing the subject of the story. Characterization of the story and describing their actions were shaped in real environment by using slang, colloquial expressions and personal references. The results of this study confirms the high frequency of grammatical cohesion elements than the lexical cohesion elements in fiction literature. Using the correlative conjunction "And" between two clauses called additive conjunction in Halliday's Theory has a high frequency in Chubak’s prose. The effect of "And" and using short sentences to speed up the prose is one of the Chubak’s stylistic features which is obvious. Speed and acceleration in prose is the feature of short story. Chubak creates a simple, coherent prose without complexity, by using more grammatical cohesion elements, so there is not appeared any slightest meaning gap from start to the end of the story.


Main Subjects

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