Review and Analysis of Personification in Nafsat al-masdur

Document Type : Original Article


1 University of Sistan and Baluchestan

2 Islamic Azad university


Personification is one of the most important ways of creating imagination through which we can personify objects, elements, and abstract concepts. This method is called in the literature terminology personification. This study, this imaginative element has been analyzed in several aspects in the book of Nafsat al-masdur written by Shihaboddin Mohammad Khorandezi Zeydari Nasawi that is known as one of the famous Persian prose texts. It should be noted that Zeydari paid much attention to using personification, so that he considers all the concepts, elements, objects, and natural entities in the eyes of a living organism. The writer in addition to creating imaginative and innovative images could largely be successful in conveying emotions and inducing his feelings to the reader. In the meanwhile, he benefited from abstract elements more that the other things in making personification. It should be noted that all the pictures presented in this book through the personality, apart from the two cases, are rigorous and persuasive.   


Main Subjects

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