Investigating and Analyzing the Reflection of Folklore (Proverb) in the Novels of Jalal al-Ahmad

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor Payam Noor University faculty member Najaf Abad (special mystic and contemporary literature).

2 2.Master of Persian language and literature.


A large part of the culture and culture of any nation, Oral Literature, or Folk Lore; this type of literature included habits, traditions, myths, stories, beliefs, rituals, The songs, traditions and proverbs are very widespread, which was mainly considered in the present era, especially after the acquaintance of Iranians with Western literature and literature. These uses in Persian prose and especially in the literary genre of fiction and novels were more than poetry. Jalal al-Ahmad is a contemporary writer and writer who has used many popular literature in his works. After Jamalzadeh and Sadiq Hedayat this al-Ahmad has used this type in the language of the story; since Al-Ahmad He lived in a mass of people and was in fact one of them; his stories and works are full of folk literature. In general, the folkloric elements used in al-Ahmad's stories can be divided into five main categories - proverbial, proverbial terms (Such as dialects), storytelling parables, popular vocabulary and syntax. This article seeks to study the position of this type of literary works in the works of Jalal al-Ahmad and presenting some of the proverbs and rulings contained in his works and explaining and explaining them the aspects of public literature or parts of it in contemporary stories, and in particular The work of Al-Ahmad, and the importance of this type of application in establishing the relationship with the reader and the general acceptability of his work.


Main Subjects

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