The Aspects of Defamiliarization in the “With Eyes” by Ahmad Shamlo

Document Type : Original Article


Semnan University


In this study, we try to introduce defamiliarization and forgrounding as the best devices for analyzing and reading a poem. Apart from content it is the form and formal relation between parts of a poem which create aesthetic pleasure. Language, concepts and literatural forms are three surfaces for analyzing according to formalist devices. Nilly willy  every impressive poets will apply the device like paying attention to the musicology of words and semantic syntax, chronological replacement and archaic usage of words in normative language. Shamlo also like other well -known poets has applied the making strange ways of normal language. He also has used the normal and even argo words between archaic words. Ambiguity and tension are two significant characteristics of “with eyes” in addition to them, metaphore, irony, description, analogy, similarity, images…..make this poem as a way of delaying the routine process of our automatized perception.


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