The Sounds of Love in two Works: "Savaneh" and "Abhr-Alasheqhin" (Comparing and studying language for graundings in two works)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Phd Of Esfahan University

2 Shahrekord University


Love is one of the mystical approaches from the beginning of mystical writings and the time of the fusion of philosophy and mysticism, that in both terrestrial and celestial is reflected in mystical works. Some of the first and Independent books in this field that have affected the works after them arr "Savaneh" of Ahmad Ghazali and "Abhar Al Asheghein" of Roozbahan Baqli. Although these works were written around a theme and at the same time, are very distinct in the field of language. In this study, we check the highlighting and the quality of use of these books to know that any work utilized which format to express it's mystical concepts and how much it has been effective in transmission of the themes. The difference in meaning and message has caused one of them to incline toward Arrays of Language more than the other and Second have more attention to means.


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