Sense and beauty bind in introduction of “Jahangosha Jovini” History


Jahangosha Jovini`s history, originated from Atalolmolk Jovini, is a technical prose masterpiece in Persian language which is free from any ornate and tedious in comparison to other works such as Vassaf  (good describer) history.

The purpose of this study is investigating the bind of beauty and relatively difficult language of Jovini as well as historical content and the author`s thoughts. Thus here we first introduce its text briefly, then we illustrate it`s forming elements and it`s historical value.

Aesthetic qualities are classified in introduction as follows: cadence, using words which correspond in measure and rime, balance, homonymy, alliteration, prosodic, music, paradox, fitness, example, metaphors, similes, metaphors and extraction. What matters is that, according to formalists` perspective, we have considered language and beauty as interwoven phenomenon. However, this is a fact that no sense can be transferred unless via surface

Through his history, particularly in his beautiful and meaningful introduction, Ataolmolk avoids to utilize formality and ornate text, but to share his ideology and conceive from history, as secretarial language board, with his audiences.
