Survey of Rhetoric Lexical & Semantic in Baha‘– e Valad's Ma’aref


Ma’aref is a book from Baha‘– e Valad which contains varied subjects and there is no certain rule between the chapters. In addition it is not clear that whether it is written by "Baha‘– e Valad" or it is a set of his words and advices that are collected and written by his followers? And it is clear that such a book with such a style has no similar method. Sometimes it has non – smooth and scientific prose and sometimes it is near to "Balkh" people language and sometimes it has a fluent and literary prose but in many cases especially when Baha‘–e Valad explains his spiritual states and courtship with audacity – It converts to a poetic prose. The researches that have been done since now about Ma’aref are generally about the concept and its mystical subjects or it may be about the effect that it had on thought and versification of his son, Molavi. This article with an analytical - descriptive method, talks about Aesthetics and observing Ma’aref Array in two Fields of Exquisite and expression. I Exquisite verbal there are a lot of phonemes, (vowels and consonants repetition) and types of rhyme and pun and some cases of balances are found in it. In Exquisite spiritual Group presentation of (Eltefat) – (atlention) Array draws the book writing to a kind of Exquisite spiritual. There are lots of harmony and conflicts but a few opacities paradox in it and there are also few authorized and metonymy in expression area.
