Metonymy Basted on the Prespective of Rhetoric


Metonymy is the most important notion in rhetoric and exquisite and even, as seen by some scholars the whole of it. In rhetoric and exquisite, one part of metonymy, individual metonymy, falls into rhetoric and the other part, compound metonymy, falls into requisite.

Individual metonymy is mainly semantic and rarely imaginative. On the other hand, compound metonymy, mainly neglected in rhetoric books, is strongly poetic and imaginative.

Ignoring many details, this article uses the old and new rhetoric resources to gather the basic notions related to individual and compound metonymies. It is hoped that future rhetoricians change their method of compiling rhetoric resources and gain a more general view of metonymy and its imaginative and poetic aspects. In the present books, like the previous ones, semantic aspects are mainly focused.
