Researching musical elements in novel


Mahmood Dowlatabady is one of the best writers in temporary Farsi literature. His great novel "Kelidar" has a high situation among Farsi novels. Using poetic language to describe a historical event, combining history and literature in the best way, reliving classic literary traditions, and using elements of classic literature to‌ relive Farsi language as a national identification make this novel the greatest. Many researches had been done about structure, fictional elements and… in this novel. In this essay we discuss about musical usage as one of the poetical aspect in this novel. For that, the musical elements of Kelidar are extracted from the text (v.1-10) and are categorized in many titles. In this essay, we have discussed about these titles with the related examples. According to the results, many kinds of repetitions, application of riming prose, syntax deviation from the norm as well as using the rhythm of prosody are the main titles made "Kelidar" poetical, with new special characteristics in prose.
