Heterogeneous Roles in Homogeneous ‎Repeated Words


Language plays different roles and it serves various ‎purposes according to the speaker's intention and techniques. ‎The written language of papers is different comparing to ‎other technical-scientific works. In addition, poetical ‎language is not certainly the same as the elements used in the ‎writings of direct speech. More important, there are a lot of ‎differences in the language used by authors or poets in a ‎single subject. These differences are revealed in the choice of ‎words, synthesis, or substitution of the words i.e. the ‎syntactic or paradigmatic relationship of the words. Mowlana ‎is considered to be a poet whose poetic language special ‎features. One of those features is using repeated words in all ‎linguistic categories which can be examined syntactically. An ‎issue that has been overlooked in the grammar of languages ‎and its homogeneous roles were neglected. This study is an ‎attempt to examine Mowlana's artistic techniques developing ‎the repetition of words and to investigate its application in ‎heterogeneous roles of the words. These are the ‎distinguishing features of Mowlana's poetic language. ‎
